Thursday, January 12, 2012


This week I never back to my hometown.
Stay in hostel as well.
Don't ask me why. I just don't have any determination to take a train back. XD

Okay. Refresh back to 12012012.
I went to an activity organised by Tzu-Chi Young Volunteer.
From 7pm to 9pm.

It was so great.
Actually, there were only few activities that could gather the only Chinese teacher trainees.
In short, I could seldom see any activities that only reserved for Chinese.
So, I will never miss this activity.

From Tzu-Chi,

This was the small gift given last night.


Here's another one.

The activity actually would end about 9.30pm.
But due to certain circumstance, I had to leave there by 9.00pm. T___T
I had to attend another meeting.
B.I.G. meeting that took me about 2hours.
Well, come back~~

13012012 Friday.
Today did not have any class at all.
Just assembly as well.

I had cleaned and tidied my room.
Sweeping. Mopping. Cleaning. Throwing. Everything. 
And of course~ Watching would not been left out.

While watching, Eating???

Hmm~ lunch time..
nice bread.. RED Bean!!!!!

Before come to an end~


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