Friday, December 21, 2012


时间飞逝,剩下最后一个星期,2012就要结束了。即将来临的是崭新的2013。最近到处流传着世界末日的谣言,虽然半信半疑,但还是稀里哗啦的过日子,根本不在乎~ 偶尔小小的担心,过一阵子什么也忘了~哈哈哈哈哈 在2012结束以前,有什么目标还没有达到的?有什么愿望还没实现?我想~~ 没什么,人生应该知足了吧 :)

话说回来,这次的长假还蛮有意思的~ 不是说很充实,至少不会让我觉得太长或太短,浪费时间什么的~ 哈哈哈哈哈  有很多以前假期没有的活动,有很多以前假期没有的娱乐~ 是很开心~

当12月来到尾声,假期也即将过去,噩梦又要开始了~又要准备回去森林~多希望有一天我会满怀‘希望’回去学院,但~~ 应该不会有这一天吧~ 几时才会对那里改观呢?*先别想* 每一年开学都希望自己会长大些,成熟点,但有时候还是会觉得自己很邋遢~ 性格脾气吧--- 最大祸首!!!!!!! 哈哈哈哈哈 不过真的在改进~ 新一年,新开始,加油!!!!!!

看看这个星期的写照吧  ^^V

看到这个招牌不要以为是去买面包~ 呵呵呵呵呵
是为老妈庆祝生日呢~ 说真的,长到那么大,还是那么第一次为妈妈庆祝生日~ 看到妈妈的笑容,我知道她感动了~ :')

 :“ 妈,虽然是简单的一粒蛋糕,但祝福和心意是满满的,生日快乐 ♥♥ ”

看到圆圆一粒粒的汤圆,就知道又是冬至咯~ 每年的今天我都会确定自己身在家里 呵呵呵呵呵 可能出外了很难说每个佳节回家庆祝吧,难得假期在家,所以一定会和家人一起过冬至 ♥♥
冬至快乐 :)

其实看到这张相片,第一个反应就是大笑~这应该是6年级是的照片了。那时也是最后一年的儿童节。不知道朋友去哪里挖出来的,看了都好笑~ 相距应该有整8年时间了,全部人都变了好多好多~ *看回去才发现当时的自己很‘ Tambai ’ 哈哈哈哈哈哈 我们都长大了!!!!!!!!!

今天姐姐回来了。Sister is coming back home!!!!! ^^V
难得她拿假回来,最开心的当然是妈妈咯~ 但现在要先解决的是她的车的问题,老妈都一直为她操心呢~ 安全到家了,happy hour!!!!!!!!
S.T.A.Y. T.U.N.E.  ♥♥

Sunday, December 16, 2012


You said end of the world is coming? Hmm. I just don't want to believe it. Everyday will be a new day and I want to enjoy it as much as I can. So stay away from such 'humour'. =P

15/12/2012 was a happy day. A big big guest was coming to town. hehehehehe Went to fetch him and met wif my beloved SP gang. But unfortunately, this time only left XhingYee and AiHooi. Others were not around in SP, but then we could still enjoy ourselves very much, lasting for two days.

At first we dropped by Blackwood Coffee and Chocolate Cafe in Amanjaya Mall. It was the first time I went there. As it was Saturday, they offered Buy 1 Free 1 drinks and 20% off for all pizzas. GREAT!!!!! Cheaper than Starbuck coffee ever. But the worst thing came at night. I couldn't sleep!!!! Maybe I took green tea also during daytime. So Coffee + Tea = Insomnia. CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, afterwards, we went to window shopping. Checked for the movies schedule. Finally decided to watch 我老公吾生性. As The Hobbit will show for almost 3 hours, we were worried if we took a nap inside. *Teheeeee* How about tea time? Well, went for 台湾小吃 in Taman Intan. It was also the first time I went there after recommended by friends so many time. XDD  Not bad the food. Especially the 葱油饼!! Give a LIKE!!!  :)

And for the first day also, I already started my shopping plan = = " Bought a Polka Dot Jumpsuit. Mint colour. <3 Later only show up my photos. =P
For dinner time, again I brought them to Vintage Delight, a western restaurant where AiMei work :) Then only we ended our first day 'trip' wahahahahaa   Energy left =  50%

Then, the 2nd day we decided to go to Penang. Decided by XhingYee but that day you know what happen? She was the one couldn't turn up as she sick suddenly!!! Oh Gosh!!!!!!! Haiz~~~ Nvm, forget about it. Brought him to 大优宾 to have 点心早餐. We liked the food very much. Very full also. ahahaahaaha

大优宾,UTC巴刹,Central Square,Penang. 

In Penang, went to Gurney Plaza first. Bought new clothes also, almost 3 hours there. Without taking any food until dropped by Starbuck, our first R&R wahahahahaa

Rest for a while before continue our journey. :)))

Then stopped at Queensbay Mall, our last shopping mall of the day. This time couldn't continue without food anymore, so have dinner @ Fish Mrket 1st. hehehehehehe

Stupid of me :)))
Big sista wif her fish.
Thanks for bringing us there. <3 

She met up with her friend. "Is that your boyfie?" wahahahahhaa jk :)) He joined us for dinner also, and then continue shopping there. I didn't buy anything there. Am I too tired?? Or shopping mode temporary off?? Whatever it is, walked until 8pm, we took our way back home already. :)) Is time to say good night. 

Okay, stopped here for telling story. Let's look at photos now. 

2012 3rd round new clothes intake. Again new members in wardrobe. yahoo!!!!
1. Polka dot jumpsuit.
2. Black-white topping
3. Pink formal skirt

Oh yeah, I left out something. Where is the 2nd round intake?

1. Cobalt blue dress.
2.Black formal dress.

I loved this two very much. Bought them from Raja Uda, Butterworth. Not to mention the price here. Cos they were too expensive. Luckily not I pay the bill. hehehehehe

 2012 Belts. 1 thick and 1 thin :))

2012 Christmas present. I love Nougat!!!!!!
1. Story book
2. Starbuck cup
3. Nougat

I got the third Starbuck product this time. YES!!!!!!! I love it!!!! I love this present very much :)))

 2012 包中包。Okay, this is a small bag that can put inside your handbag. You can put and place all the things neatly in your handbag, easily to find, easily to get later. Especially when you are 'kelam-kabut' hehehehehehe

 2013 New Mission. You may asked why I suddenly finding out all this Theory books. I had my target to achieve next year. Will answer it in future, not now.

 This December I kept on going photostat shops.

2012 Bags. Small to big. Big to small.

Christmas Present collection. :))) But I left one in my hostel :(((  Starbuck product also. Want to get back when school reopen. Merry Christmas!!!!!

Thanks for the present. :)) Merry Christmas!!!

Well. That's it. Want to stop here first. Have a nice day :))

Friday, December 7, 2012


Just a random post here.

Yesterday I received message from my besty, told me that her dad passed away due to health problem. So shocked to hear that. I was pity with her family background actually. It was a long long story, got it from my mum. And I guessed no one among friends will know much on this. Privacy.
*I knew all that because my mum knew her grandma and mum since in our old house.

Condolence. :'(
Thing, stay tough. Work hard for better future, your dad will be glad with your effort ♥♥

And today, I attended her dad funeral ceremony in Taman Intan. Many friends of my mum were there. All of them were our old neighbours. *We previously stay in Taman Ria.* Since only mum and I went there, so the old neighbours for sure 'spotted' me first. Not because of I getting bigger or what, but keep on asking why I became so thin ever. Some even thought that I was the eldest, and some even could not recognise me. OMG!!!!! You know why? It was just because when we were still staying in the old house, my big sister was the thinnest among four of us, and I was the fattest. Frankly speaking. No joke as well. And I was the darkest also. But years after years, we had moved to Laguna for almost 1+ years, now they saw me again, but I am no more the dark one with fat body. I am now as thin as my sister last time, and with fairer skin. wakakakakaka ♥♥ My besty beside added :" Turn to more pretty lorr.." What to do. Ahahahaha People might change. Somemore it had been yearSSSS apart. Hmm.. We chit chat for hours until 9 something.

About the funeral ceremony, I couldn't find any sad situation. XDD No one was showing their sadness. Even his wives and daughters. Really. You know, even my friend's mum praised the 'Loh Mee' served was just nice and tasted good. OMG. During this time, she still have mood to enjoy the food. So steady. XDD

Last word for you: Stay tough ever. Remember we are still here with you. Take care and your mum also.

Random photos for this post ♥

This snack was given by my student's mum. Thanks, aunty. :)

Guess what? New members were added to my wardrobe. ♥ First round 'registration' during this holiday ♥ Promise there will be more members coming soon. hehehehehe If my wallet allow me to do so. ♥

That's all for today. Good night ♥♥

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Just a random post for today. First post in December as well. But unfortunately I could not log in to my weibo these two days. I dunno what happen. It had been blocked by my antivirus. So sad.. :'(

 Ohyeah~~ My first recycled product. Just a simple one. :)

 Missed my selca pic. Here they are. Taken before going out. Tehee ^^V
But one thing to apologize. I was wondering if my weight gaining during this holiday. Did I..??? I realised I kept on eating this 2-month-holiday. I tried to control but just failed to do so. ahahahahaha I was too enjoyed when the food is served. At the time mum done her cooking, I was the first one to sit at the table to have my meal. Hmm.. Very XingFu. <3 I could swear even you wanted me to eat all the time at home, I would not reject. I would be the happy one. But if you wanted me to have my meals outside everyday and all the time, SORRY. I was not going to agree with you and I would not do so. Let me starving if you forced me. *wink*

 Fully filled schedule.

Ahah!!! Don't shocked to c all these vouchers. They could rarely found in our house. ahahahahaa Actually my sisters got them from school. But then keep until now. No time to eat outside so far. Busy with her SPM, and just done last Monday. I think we will grab for fast food, very soon. wahahahahaa

Left half more month to go.. Enjoyed the holiday so far??